Friday, September 9, 2011


Rebuilding a Tower Together
Genesis 11 – Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as they migrated from the east, they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, ‘Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.’ And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.’
9 – 11! Two numbers that up until 10 years ago meant little together. Now when placed side by side they define – hatred, sadness, insecurity, loss of innocence, shattered hopes, suffering………… of all the definitions of 9/11, I am most dismayed by the loss of innocence. The terrorists have won if we now live in a state of constant mistrust and fear. It is so antithetical to the Gospel message of “fear not.” They have won if it has dampened the childlike dream of a realm where the lion and the lamb can lie together in harmony.
For some reason this morning I was led to Genesis 11 – the account of the tower of Babel. It starts out with that wonderful dream of one world where there was understanding and unity. But then came the devilish words: “Come, let us………………..make a name for ourselves.” “Ourselves…not our God…….Ourselves.” It began the battle between bricks and mortar and things of the Spirit.
Come us rebuild this tower together
Built with those holy girders that can weather
The storms of life
That come because of hatred and selfishness induced strife
Come let us rebuild a tower that auto-pilot planes built with revenge cannot topple and shatter
Let us rebuild it with concrete hard faith-based values, those things that when given flight in the heart really matter
No unmanned drones that have collateral damage that the innocent disfigure and kill
But rather planes overflowing with food for the hungry whose stomachs cry out to be filled
Let us rebuild with pillars of innocent trust given which pre-judges no one until the stranger’s story is heard
That in speaking of others recognizes all as children of God and begins by speaking an good, uplifting word
Let us rebuild with pillars that are not motivated by seeking self esteem or greed
But listens and then acts to meet the other’s need.
It is strange that the initial response to those now forever wed numbers 9/11
Brought a visual image not of towers crumbling before our eyes but a vision of heaven
People risking their lives to comfort the suffering and seek the lost
To be there for the others regardless of the cost
No questions on that day whether a person in need was Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, Buddhist or Jew
To save a life or weep with those who weep was all the heroes of that day knew
So let us begin the rebuilding task infused in our souls by an innocent yet strong message preached from a towering cross
In rebuilding let us make a name for the One who proclaimed in reaching for heaven there are vistas of joy awaiting our sight in spite of the cost.

I know! For some this attempt at prose will appear so idyllic and unrealistic. The question is “Have we ever really tried it?”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In Praise of the Commons

God Bless Wayne Terwilliger and Michael Martinez
I Corinthians 12:4-13
I am afraid I will expire before I complete an important life task – selling my massive collection of sports cards, particularly baseball cards. It is an emotionally and mentally straining thing to do. These cards represent my childhood, my love of sport, my escape from some of the painful realities of life that clergy are involved in every day. Yet my children, while appreciating sport, have little interest in such collecting and because I have close to 100,000 cards and they live in townhouses with little storage space it is my pre-expiration goal to sort and sell! The sorting is a monumental task because the value of the cards is largely dependent upon the “star” quality of the athletes. Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, Henry Aaron, Willie Mays are worth over $500 while the “commons” are worth a few cents to a few dollars.
Most players who end up in the common lot have names that few will remember. Yet while the world cares less about the commons, I have a fond affection for many of them. The names Wayne Terwilliger and Michael Martinez lingered in my mind as I read Paul’s call to the divided church in Corinth – a church that was struggling with pecking order questions. You see Wayne Terwilliger was a journeyman second baseman for several American and National League teams who shouldn’t have been around for almost ten years……he was a weak hitter. But his utility of playing numerous positions and his baseball savvy kept made him a valuable fill-in when needed. Michael Martinez is a rookie with the Philadelphia Phillies and has played six positions this year as a backup when the starters went down with injuries or needed some rest.
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the Spirit.” For Paul there was not one ungifted person in the church. Paul realized that the utility players are often at the heart of a successful church ministry. A warm welcome; a meal prepared for someone who is sick; a time of volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen; a firm word said when a prejudicial or unjust word is said; taking time to listen to someone who has a painful story to tell! The utility players are always ready to step in and handle the dirty work or do the simple deeds that mean so much in the building of the realm of God.
With 9/11 approaching we also remember that the real heroes on that day were largely the utility players – the police, the firefighters, EMTs, the individual souls whose names will not be remembered who did the small things that saved lives, that comforted the mourning, that fed those rescue team members, that offered simple prayers as they watched the horrific acts on their televisions. As we remember that steel blue sky dark day, let us give thanks for the “common” souls who did what they could to bring light out of the darkness.
There are often too many people who want to be stars and not enough of the faithful wanting to be utility players. Prayerfully ponder your remembrances of some of the faithful utility players who have ministered to you and have helped to shape your life of faith. Be alert for opportunities as you go about your daily lives for opportunities to be a utility player in building the realm of God.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

For Those Who Desire an Innocent Soul

Thinking about Children
“The Cat in the Hat told the Grinch that ‘How to behave is all in the BOOK, so why don’t to take a small look in the book.’” The Cat in the Hat also told Sam I-Am that “The BOOK is better than green eggs and ham and the BOOK isn’t filled with foolish spam.” These profound words were the opening gathered syllables and thoughts to a sermon I preached several years ago on “Homecoming Sunday” – “Rally Day” – “It’s Time to Begin to Try and Make an Effort to Get the Children to Church Sunday.” You name it. I always felt it was a Sunday to focus on innocent faith and the nurture of children within the family. And how does one keep the attention of little ones for fifteen to twenty minutes. You write a musical sermon entitled “The Gospel According to Dr. Seuss.” After that sermon, which seemed to resonate with the little ones, one older child of God came up to me and said: “That was a most meaningful sermon….one of your best.” I wasn’t sure how to receive such a mixed message – I worked hard to make them all my best. Several other big “ones” also joined in the chorus of accolades. I couldn’t help but think – “Maybe I should quote the great theologians and spiritual giants less and quote Sesame Street, Curious George, Mr. Rogers (He was a Presbyterian minister) more often.” I don’t think that’s what they had in mind but I do think that we all have a child’s spirit within us waiting to be unlocked every once in awhile. Maybe we spend too little time with children and also not enough time reading the innocent and Spirit reviving message in THE BOOK.
It is a time to remember and be concerned about children and to recommit ourselves to the innocent faith that most of us first learned as a child. The children are going back to school and hopefully to church school. Maybe it is time that we go back to school by taking a look in THE BOOK. There are “Grinches” out there who are “filling themselves with gold and green eggs and ham……..and telling others ‘It’s all about me and maybe if you’re lucky you’ll find some out of date Spam’.” “So let’s take a look in THE BOOK and if we follow and do not flinch, we’ll put the Grinches of this world in a terrible pinch.”
Lover of the little ones, help me to avoid looking into the eyes of little children. The ones at play make me feel sad that I have lost my ability to play without feeling silly. The ones who long for attention make me feel guilty that I don’t have the time or patience to really give them my attention. The ones who are hungry and hurting because of poverty make me feel uncomfortable that I am doing so little to change their lot in life. God of the incarnate innocent Little One, touch my eyes with your Spirit so that I might see with the eyes of children and might laugh and dance and sing with thanksgiving for the miracles that are everywhere; so that I might cry when I see a wounded bird or wounded soul; so that I might believe that fairy tales can come true and that in living with that hope in my heart I can help to make them come true. I pray all this hoping for a rebirth of my ability to see as if I were seeing everything for the first time. Amen.