Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Gifts to A World in Turmoil

Christmas Gifts to A World in Turmoil

I am finding it difficult to really get into the Christmas Spirit this year.  The lingering memories of gun violence – particularly the December massacre of children in Newtown; the atrocities of militants in the Middle East and emerging realities of post-9/11 torture; the glaring truth that racism is still very much alive in our society…….it’s hard to feel good about decking the halls or singing Joy to the World.   I feel that John the Baptist’s cry of “Repent!” seems to be the needed message of our Advent – Christmas journey.  The innkeeper’s no room for love and peace on earth sign hangs brightly illuminated over our world.  The flight to Egypt and Herod’s murder of the innocents is a recurring lead story in the media.  (Prayers for the evil slaughter in Pakistan) To celebrate anything seems to be so inappropriate.

Yet, on a night in Bethlehem a child was born into a world that was filled with poverty and conflict.  “For unto us a child is born!!!!”  Amid the turmoil and disorder which is swaddling our world, we need to once again hear the message and seek to grasp its simple message again.  A child is born!  Innocence, imagination, dreams – these gifts of infancy are offered to us.  Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which is everything in this world.” This thought of 17th century philosopher, Blaise Pascal, reminds us of a foundational message of this miraculous stable birth.  Our world is in its chaotic state for our lack of childlike imagination.  We keep repeating behaviors that haven’t worked in the past!

If we really want to bring peace on earth good will among all, we need to change our gift giving strategy.  I offer here some innocent appropriate gifts for our consideration.

·         Give the gift of a commitment to tutoring for an “EXTENDED” period of time to one child who is disadvantaged by the realities of poverty.

·         Give the gift of childlike repetitive questioning “Why are guns so easy to obtain?” by writing / calling again and again and again…..elected officials seeking an answer to that innocent question.

·         Give the gift of creating opportunities for honest and gracious cross-racial, cross-cultural dialogue on “being human”….the gift of moving out of our comfort zone.

·         Give the gift of building homes through working with Habitat for Humanity.

·         Give the gift of knowledge to yourself by researching both sides of the story when it comes to issues of international discord, racism, poverty, and prejudice.  This gives the gift of civility to the world.   

·         Give the gift of not giving unneeded gifts to others and give the money to Heifer Project International so others might experience freedom from their poverty.

·         Give the gift of welcome to strangers rather than keeping them at a distance.  Give up on assumptions about others who seem different from you.

·         Give the gift of a simple “thank you” to those who humbly serve us each day – from the store clerk, to the restaurant servers, to those who clean up our messes and haul our trash, to those who deliver our mail, to those who make our communities safe – police, EMTs, to those who help us make purchases over the phone, to…………………

·         Give the gift of appreciation to our military and their families through supporting community programs for their benefit.  Employ a veteran in a meaningful job.

·         Give the gift of your hands in participating in visitation programs to the elderly and ill and dying.

·         Give the gift of making your business open to employing and offering training to those seeking to escape from poverty.

·         ………………………..

It’s time to open the Christmas gift of childlike imagination and give that to the world!  Give heart-made and handmade gifts. 


Prayer – God who dared to become flesh and experience the human journey, thank you for the innocence born into a world which has lost its ability to conceive a peaceable realm in which your love and justice abides.  Instill in us a reborn spirit that reaches out like a newborn child to embrace a world in need of a love that is untethered from strident opinions, past assumptions and un-imaginative thought. Through our lives help us to adore Him once again. Amen.