Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Response to the Loss of Innocents

Are We Becoming a “Shoot Down” Society?

Maybe what follows is my way of dealing with the death of 20 young children and 8 adults – including a sad sole young man who turned to violence in dealing with the demons inside his soul.  I am trying to make sense of a senseless and truly unexplainable situation.  While even stricter gun control laws and mental resources need to be put into place, there is a  core issue that needs to be addressed!  We live in a society where children are exposed constantly to a “shoot down” society.  Increasinged exposure to anger and violence is their daily fare.  Whether it is shooting people down in the public or political arena of the exchange of ideas with less than civil words or the scenes of violence from around the world; whether it is visible increase in violence in sports or in film or in “shoot’em” dead video games where the more dead gives the gamer more points, children and youth are probably exposed to anger and more violent behavior than in any other time in the history of the world.  Before 24-hour news which can bring the bellicose, disrespectful words, dead bodies into our living room or the games that allow the players to kill the enemy without experiencing the finality of their actions, there was a greater possibility of innocent souls having a longer age of innocence.  Guns were for killing wild game for the dinner table or as sport.  Guns were used by soldiers in faraway lands to fight for freedom and justice.  Except for an occasional arcade sharp shooting contest, children had little exposure to a “shoot’em” dead world.  Yes access to guns needs to be more strictly controlled, but it is the mindset of those who would shoot that needs to be addressed.  Civility in speech and less access to violence in the media for children and youth needs to be unequivocally addressed.

In this season we need to commit ourselves more boldly to an action figure, the child of Bethlehem.  The Prince of Peace came to terminate hatred and anger through weapons of love and grace.  The Herods of the world will try to kill his message, but it is our duty to protect the Child and his message.   Violence in our society must subside and no children of God should suffer the fate of 20 little ones in Newtown, CT.

Prayer – God of Christmas, Good Friday and Easter, with the birth of a Child heal our broken hearts for we once again have experienced the pain of our loss of innocent children and our innocence.  More than ever, we now need the hope and joy of Christmas to enter our hearts.   May the child be born in us again so that we might be vehicles of your love and instruments of your peace.  Amen.


Trying to celebrate a birth of a Little One who brings a message that can bring true peace to a violent world!     Bob  

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