Monday, March 14, 2016

White Man’s Last Stand!

I am a white male… aging white male.  I am a diminishing breed!  As I observe the craziness of the current political scene and the rise to political predominance of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, I have now dubbed their campaigns “White Man’s Last Stand!”…….particularly older white men.  They are a significant voting block for Donald and Ted.

It used to be “a man’s, man’s world!” - a world where women were not heads of Fortune 500 companies but homemakers.  It was a white man’s world where might made right and where country clubs were the playground for white men.  It was a world where the white male political leaders knew that God blessed the USA and that those other counties with leaders that were not Caucasian males felt blessed to receive the white man’s kindness and aid.  And the white men felt good because they had been “charitable.”

Then something happened.  The truth came out and the census statistics told US white males that they were in the minority.  And then women started to “break up” some of the old boys’ clubs – business, social, and political.  And people of different skin tones seemed to be increasing in number.  And white males began marrying African American and Hispanic and Asian women.  And countries with few white males began to ask for less charity and more shared power in deciding the fate of the world.  It even got worse for white males – people with names like Madeleine and Hillary started being global negotiators.  And then things really got bad for white men – a man with black and white parents became president of the United States.  White men then realized they had to do something!  So they tried to plan for the failure of the bi-racial President.  They had to do something to protect the race and their maleness.  And then came along a white man with orangey hair and a man of Cuban ancestry who looked white and who spoke of putting women back it their place by asserting that they had no freedom of choice over their own bodies.  These new white male political novices think they will make this country great again by empowering white males and limiting the liberties of non-white males.  Cries of might makes right became the mantra again.  White men had dreams of the good old days.  How sad and how very dangerous for our country!

My fellow white men………the times are achangin!  GET OVER IT!  THIS IS YOUR LAST STAND!

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